
We believe that our outreach with camps and remote workplaces would not be where it is today without the workers, past and present, who were willing to trust us with their stories. When we at Northern Society for Domestic Peace launched surveys of the reforestation industry, we hoped to gain a deeper understanding of how issues such as sexual harassment and assault were presenting in camp environments. However, we did not anticipate the number of harassment and assault experiences that would be shared with us. Our surveys are anonymous, making it impossible for us to reach out to responders individually, but we want to acknowledge them and the importance of what they have shared.

To everyone who responded to our surveys and to those who will share with us in the future:

Thank you. In sharing your experiences, many painful and we are sure, difficult to sit with for the purposes of a workplace survey, you gave a voice to workers who may never have felt safe to share their truth.

The stories that you shared fell across a broad spectrum and highlighted the many differences and complexities of harassment and assault in remote-based workplaces. Your thoughtful insights and ideas continue to contribute to conversations on creating safety, inclusivity and worker wellness with industry and government. Your voice is in the room, even if you are not.

When you took the time to complete our survey, whether you shared basic demographic information, thoughts and ideas for creating positive change, or personal experiences, you helped advocate for making camps safer and more comfortable for everyone. Sometimes people came into the survey space to voice that they have never seen evidence of sexual harassment or assault in these environments and to share that they don’t think it happens. Those voices helped us explore why these incidents go unnoticed and underreported, and how to help some people “see” what they may have missed before.

Even as an anti-violence non-profit with over three decades of experience, and a team of amazing staff, we could never have advocated and educated in the ways we have without your voices alongside ours. The voices of our confidential survey respondents have been present with us at roundtable discussions with industry, meetings with provincial and federal government, in conversations with the anti-violence sector, at conference presentations, in webinars and training forums, and in the development of educational resources targeted to camp-based and remote workplaces.

Thank you for trusting us with your unique perspectives. Knowledge and experience shared through anonymity should never be excluded from the conversation. We will continue to centre the voices of survivors and victims in collaborative efforts to foster change in some of Canada’s most unique work environments.

Below are links to current CAMP surveys. Please read the descriptions and consider participating if you fit the demographic. If you have barriers to participating, please contact us for assistance 250-847-9000 info@domesticpeace.ca.

Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault in Remote Workplaces - https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/5VYYRFS

Sexual Harasmment and Assault in Reforestation:  https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/BF7CR5P

Sexual Assaut in Northern BC: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/YDZTNQV

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